Iluzon Designs

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How to Anime IRL in STYLE

I would love to see my favorite anime, Kill la Kill, adapted into a LARP.

The setting of Kill la Kill would be perfect for a long running game allowing for player creativity, but also carefully crafted through great game design.

The Larp would take place before the events of the movie. Players would take on the roles of Honnouji academy students and would try to climb through the ranks of the system.

To accomodate game mechanics, there wouldn´t be an Elite Four at the start, but all players would start out as No Stars and would have to battle their way up the ranking.

How would they do that?

Well, that would be up to the players.

As No Stars, their goal would be to come up with some activity, that would be based enough to be approved by the Student Council (aka, the organizers).

It would have to be something that could be improved upon, measurable, legal, and eventually turnable into a combat skill.

After having their thing approved and paperworked through, they would ascend to 1 Star and be given advantages over the other students.

Also, would have their lodging improved and they would receive a uniform.

There are two different ways No Stars could be handled later in the game - either they are passive observers, almost unable to interact with the game, but being around for free or a symbolic fee.

Or there wouldn´t be space for No Stars and that name would refer to people outside the Larp and players in civilian clothing.

After the first accomplishment that could be worth any praise (and that would be approved by the Student Council), they could apply to found Student Clubs.

When ascending to a Student Club, they would become its president and gain a Two Star uniform and special combat abilities based on what they are doing.

However, they would be expected to constantly deliver results, or they would be demoted. Furthemore, they would need to have One Stars joining their clubs and then potentially trying to ascend the rank by being better at the club activity than its president.

Furthemore, there would be mechanics for sabotage, bullying, and battling other students. Poison, blackmail, backstabbing, as long as its approved by the Student Council (which takes care of game balance and making player ideas for subterfuge into actual mechanics), anything goes.

There could also be some raids on other schools, if the Larp needed spicing up or the students weren´t fighting enough amongst themselves. Or if game mechanics would need to be used and tested against NPC characters.

Over a long enough period, the Elite Four would emerge through accomplisments and battle victories (also, the quality of those players roleplay would also need to be elevated). When those top players players were to ascend, the player hierarchies and abilities would be locked down for the most part and the second phase of the Larp would begin - the arrival of Ryuko.

Ryuko would have to be an NPC, and might even get a prewritten script.

It would be Ryuko vs. the school.

Eventually, the Larp might transfer into fighting the Life Fibers, but, that would probably be a second season of the Larp, and would be very different.

I am not sure if the game would be better as a long running city Larp run over the course of years or if it were to be played in a condensed timeframe or one or several 3-4 day sessions.

I have my friend Konata in mind for Satsuki and my other friend BladeRain for Raguyo.

I´d love to play Ryuko or Mako myself, but I´m afraid I´m never gonna get in shape to pass as either of those characters, no matter the visual trickery.

This would be feasible as both a small scale fan production and, I believe, as an official large licensed event for the whole world to play!

Who would you cast as Kill la Kills characters IRL? Friends of yours? Famous actors? Let me know!

I´d love to have someone to bounce ideas with about this topic. If only to know if ANY of this makes ANY sense to you, dear leader. If you Larp or even if you just enjoy anime (or neither), would you please talk to me?

And, of course, if you´d like to support my grand feats of ideation, there are links at the top of the page where you could do just that!