Ego Month is dead, long live Ego BLAST
I´m gonna keep riding that wild creature that is my brain into the sunset.

I hate YouTube - a response
This might evolve into a recording or even a video at some point - but do not hold your breaths.
That kind of behaviour would be most unwise.

How do birthdays work and can I see a manual?
Image of my favorite party pony by my friend (I hope?) WolfieDrawie .

Me, but fictional. I hope.
This is my translation of my original post in Czech to the bronies.cz MLP forum in 2016.
I plan on including Iluzon in all my future fictional creations. Even if I might end up being the only one knowing which character he actually is in this or that story.

What ultimate comfy looks like for me
Is this a sign of ADHD? Something different? AM I A CRYPTID?!?

How to Anime IRL in STYLE
It´s game design talk about my favorite piece of unibrow art!
This is the first step towards realizing my dream of playing an Anime Based LARP.

Lottery is fun, but it could be FUNNER
Do it, but just one at a time!
There can be multiple subsequent times, but always only one!
That is the rule. A rule of mine.

It´s time to show the WACKY!
Previous nights escapades have left me still reeling, and I plan to call in to Voidgazers at 1 AM again, so, a personally underwheliming Ego Month post away!
Better than yesterdays, at least. Sheesh.
What was that guy on, seriously.

What am I or just like, some basic facts, I dunno.
I started witing about YouTube, but my tab killer extension killed my draft, and so I wrote an introduction instead. To me. It is Ego Month, after all.