Lottery is fun, but it could be FUNNER


The odds are absurd.

But, people still win!

And the anticipation is so tantalizing.

Yes, even though it is not seen as smart, I like to indulge in lottery.

Mainly scratchers. I like to see their evolution, as they have expanded to cover every possible price range.

The only thing that is consistently dissapointing that there is no actual game attached to them.

Sure, they usually do put on a thin veneer of being something more, but they have to be so common that all of their gimmicks end up being laughably simple.

I´d love if they were more gamified, had a bit of collecting or skill involved.

Of course, those kinds of things have probably been regulated away, as that might make this form of gambling a bit too addicting.

Buying a lottery ticket always gets my imagination running BIG.

I have many ideas what kind of endeavors, businesses and art thingies I would start and support if I had a sudden influx of capital (expect those in future posts).

Of course, the first thing I would start working on would be a gun permit, because despite my desperate want to believe in people, carelessness has its time and place.

One of the most fun ways to explore a new city for me is to just walk around it randomly, visiting different small shops where they might sell scratchers and see how long a set amount of money would last me. I like the uncertainty of spending only an hour or so or a whole day walking around :)

It ů´gets me to talk to the different cashiers, see the streets both from the outside and the inside and has an added bonus of a possibility of wacky hijinks if I actually won an amount that is too high to be redeemed regularly (as lotteries are usually only accessible to the citizens of the state where the ticket is purchased).

Of course, dreaming about a big win is not an excuse not to try and get the big monies by some other means.

So, would you be my lottery ticket today and feel like a generous payout? Paypal or crypto, links at the top!


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