Me All February. REJOICE

What is Ego Month?

Well, I finally realized the best way for me to put myself out there - to just finish and publish things one at a time.

I have tried making a website and consolidating everything I do and make before, but it was just too big a project for me to actually get off the ground.

Since to cover everything I do and am feels to me like a task that has to be done thoroughly. And I am a lot of things.

Also, I do not like to come off as egotistical before myself. But, at the same time, creation is inherently egotistical.

And thus, I have decided to go FULL EGO, get over my fear of alienating my family and other people (since I do like to make aquaintances with almost anyone (which is also a source of pride and joy for me (but the frequent failed friendship followup is a great source of anxiety for me as well))) and do one of those things where people challenge themselves to make one of something every day.

So, I will be publishing things about myself all throughout February.

And hopefully other stuff. But, need to get things out of the way and out of my brain first.

That is the priority.

Also, this website will continue to update and evolve.

And, if you feel like it, you can toss me coins in the upper right corner and/or buy a bunch of my time on the BBB page.

I am curious if it ever hurts to ask.


What am I or just like, some basic facts, I dunno.