What am I or just like, some basic facts, I dunno.

I always felt that CVs are dumb.

I do so many things.

There are people who put a Microsoft Word certificate on theirs! Though, that might actually be justified in some super rare cases, because Word has some pretty obscure and powerful functions (<- this is an example of a chronic disease I suffer from, “Almost-always-seeing-the-other-side-and-as-such-being-always-left-lounging-somewhere-around-the-middleitits (orAASTOSAASBALLSATMititis). Nothing feels so visceraly uncool as that.

And yet, without finishing projects, without utilising my skills in a way I could be proud of myself, that document stays woefully barren.

I always wonder, how much cheating and bullshittery is going on everywhere around me, and yet I try to always default to choosing to believe there is none.

I am a guy in the middle.

For a long time, I have pondered if I should create for the audience of my home, Czech Republic (or Czechia (or that country that you remember as Czechoslovakia from that Animaniacs song) and thus in Czech, one of the hardest, and in my ignorant and biased opinion, most beautiful of the worlds languages, or if I should create for the whole wide world, and expose me to the ravages of the risk reward of having to compete on a global stage, and yet having an oportunity to have a much greater impact.

I have even pondered writing in both languages at once! As if I would ever really do that.


Anyways, this way I can at least go full honest mode on the internet without my family and friends finding out all the stuff I am about to get out of my brain too terribly quickly.

And on the other hand, having a lot of things based in Czech protects me from the malicious powers of AI. See, it´s hard to make autodial robocall bots for a language that is spoken by less than 10 000 000 people.

So yeah, I´m Czech, 26, from a family of my happily married parents and 3 older siblings.

I have gone through 3 primary care schools, 2 basic schools, 4 8-year grammar schools and tried 2 universities before finally leaving school behind (but not learning, never learning, can´t help it).

I am endlessly curious, love almost every facet of pop/nerd/culture, love to make new friends (even though they usually end up as acquaintances, if I stop kidding myself) and being spontaneous.

I am religious and outspoken. That is not an easy thing to be amongst nerds and interneters at all.

I love to debate, and yet when I try with my smart and stubborn family, it almost always ends up in defeat, dissapointment and me being too loud.

I love my family, yet I hurt them constantly. I am hungry for their opinion and approval, yet constantly go against what they deem as quality life.

I feel like being egoistic, creative and writing about oneself is cliche, hackneyed, uncool and emo teen cringe.

Yet I believe that those things that we dread doing the most are often those that will bring us the most benefit.

I know a thousand different ways how I could make money, yet I would be ashamed of myself for being an asshole to others and of wasting my potential if I engaged in most of them.

Yet, I am not above begging.

So, will you throw me an internet bakshish this time? Links are up on the top ;)


It´s time to show the WACKY!


Me All February. REJOICE